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when_and_where [2016/08/29 10:43] external edit
when_and_where [2018/01/10 06:32] (current)
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-We meet every Wednesday late afternoon or early evening at our [[https://​www.openstreetmap.org/​node/​4226557989|lab at Fundation ​university]]. ​+**We meet every Wednesday late afternoon or early evening at our** [[https://​www.openstreetmap.org/​node/​4226557989|lab at Foundation ​university]]. ​
-If you want to join, please contact us through nightowl@foundationu.com.+If you want to join, please contact us through, \\ 
 +**Email** : [[mailto:​info@nightowl.foundationu.com|info@nightowl.foundationu.com]]. \\ 
 +**Facebook** : @nightowl.hackerspace \\ 
 +**Local Number** : 131