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organisational_stuff [2017/03/14 08:42]
organisational_stuff [2017/09/21 15:14] (current)
jayd [Organisation]
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 ==== Organisation ==== ==== Organisation ====
-Right now Nightowl is a project without ​it'​s ​own legal structure hosted at [[https://​www.facebook.com/​foundationU.eduPHL|Foundation University]] and supported by [[http://​entheosit.com|Entheos IT Inc.]]. The ones in charge are Mark James Kho, Paul Marin and Carl Matheous Simpao. ​[[user:​dolf|Dolf Andringa]], a marine biologist ​and [[user:​jayd|Jan Dennis Bungart]], Head of IT/​ICT ​Operations ​at Foundation University ​act as consultants. Plans exist to establish an NGO to be able to apply for funding.+ 
 +Right now Nightowl is a project without ​its own legal structure hosted at [[https://​www.facebook.com/​foundationU.eduPHL|Foundation University]] and supported by [[http://​entheosit.com|Entheos IT Inc.]]. The ones in charge are Mark James Kho, [[user:​dolf|Dolf Andringa]] and Carl Matheous Simpao. ​[[user:​jayd|Jan Dennis Bungart]] ​as an IT/​ICT ​Consultant ​at Foundation University ​acts as a consultant. Plans exist to establish an NGO to be able to apply for funding.
 ==== Funding ==== ==== Funding ====