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drupal_updating [2017/08/30 03:45]
dolf created
drupal_updating [2017/08/30 04:24] (current)
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 Drupal 8 has been installed using composer and can be managed using the drush commandline tool. Drupal 8 has been installed using composer and can be managed using the drush commandline tool.
-See an overview on https://​agencychief.com/​blog/​how-install-drupal-8-composer-then-set-drush for more info.+See an overview on https://​agencychief.com/​blog/​how-install-drupal-8-composer-then-set-drush for more info. Also see https://​www.drupal.org/​docs/​8/​update/​update-procedure-in-drupal-8
 To update drupal and it's modules do the following: To update drupal and it's modules do the following:
   * SSH to the server   * SSH to the server
   * cd to /​srv/​www/​vhosts/​drupal8_stock/​drupal-new/​   * cd to /​srv/​www/​vhosts/​drupal8_stock/​drupal-new/​
-  * run composer update --with-dependencies to update drupal and the modules.+  * run composer update --with-dependencies to update drupal and the modules 
 +  * cd into /​srv/​www/​vhosts/​drupal8_stock/​drupal-new/​web 
 +  * run ../​vendor/​drush/​drush/​drush updb 
 +  * run ../​vendor/​drush/​drush/​drush cr 
 +For more info on drush, see https://​drushcommands.com/​