Show page Old revisions Backlinks ODT export This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Getting Ready for the Foundation University Expo ====== <fs medium>The team are getting the early prototype of the [[projects:agricultural_rover|Agricultural Rover]] and the [[projects:rfid_door_lock|RFID Door Lock System]] ready for the [[http://|Foundation University]] Digital Expo, where we showcase the different works and innovation of the different colleges/department.</fs> {{:dscn2573.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscn2577.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscn2591.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscn2597.jpg?nolink&400|}}{{:dscn2606.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscn2603.jpg?nolink&400|}} ====== Night Owl's Presentation for Foundation University Expo ====== <fs medium> Night Owl presentation was led by Mr. Dolf Andringa and Mr. Carl Simpao who presented the following projects [[projects:agricultural_rover|Agricultural Rover]] , [[projects:rfid_door_lock|RFID Door Lock System]] and their future projects at the [[http://|Foundation University]] Digital Expo. [[|Click here to view presentation]].</fs> {{:img_1485.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1449.jpg?nolink&400|}} ====== Night Owl's Projects Showcased at Foundation University Expo ====== <fs medium> Showcasing the projects and technologies from Night Owl. </fs> {{:img_1523.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1406.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1487.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1527.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1530.jpg?nolink&200|}} {{:img_1535.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_1569.jpg?nolink&400|}} ====== Start Up Weekend Dumaguete ====== <fs medium>We students from [[|Night Owl]],[[http://|Foundation University]] College of Computer Studies and students from different universities here in Dumaguete City, Philippines participated in an event where speakers from different mentors of the organization share their experiences and wisdom on why we should be an entrepreneur and how this can help people, students and maybe as well the economy grow and develop.</fs> <fs medium>The weekend activity introduced us to pitch in an idea and work towards it for two days with the guidance of the mentors, with some guidelines we should be able to present a rough feasibility study and as well as a prototype. In the presentation there should also be a good business model since we are talking about starting a company. </fs> {{:c360_2016-11-18-16-25-20-324.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img20161119114501.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img20161119112613.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img20161120163139.jpg?nolink&400|}} ====== The Stages of Agricultural Rover ====== <fs medium> Here are the pictures of the early stages of the Agricultural Rover, at first we didn't necessarily had a name yet so we called it the soil moisture bot where you could see the metal bar that moves up and down with the soil moisture sensor using the materials, components and micro controller from [[|VEX]]. </fs> {{:dscf6159.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:img_20161126_121250.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscf6167.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:dscf6162.jpg?nolink&400|}} <fs medium> After some brainstorming, we thought It'll be a good idea to utilize the 3D Printer we have and make an arm for it, so we used the [[|EEZYbotARM MK2]] design, and attached it to the rover. We also decided to change the micro controller since [[|VEX]] is proprietary and we wanted to use open source resources as much as possible. At this early prototype stage we decided to call it the Agricultural Rover "Chippy". </fs> {{:received_10156204869123868.jpeg?nolink&800|}} {{:received_10156204869328868.jpeg?nolink&400|}}{{:received_10156204869973868.jpeg?nolink&400|}}