We are running a number of things for the nightowl webserver.
Webapplications we are running:
Install circus with 'pip install circus' (not inside a virtualenv). When running on a systemd linux distro (like debian and centos), create a systemd unit as documented on The circus website (forget about the upstart part, that is for ubuntu). But be sure to change /usr to /usr/local in the circus.service file (because we installed using pip). Make sure you create the /etc/circus/ folder.
For information on running (monitoring) gunicorn (python wsgi) applications with circus, see The gunicorn with circus docs and the taiga docs on circus.
Create a virtualenv (probably somewhere in a virtualhost folder under /srv/www/vhosts/<yourappdomain>. Make sure you have gunicorn installed in your virtual env, and also all other dependencies for your flask app.
Add the following to /etc/circus/circus.ini making sure you change all references to your application (in the example in /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/) and virtualenv and it's python library folder (here /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/venv/ and /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/venv/lib/python3.4/ respectively).
Also make sure you change the name of the app (here rfid). Lastly make sure the port number (8001 in this case) is unique. Choose a unique port number (starting form 8001) for each application and change both the nginx and circus config accordingly.
[watcher:rfid] working_dir = /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/ cmd = gunicorn args = -b app uid = www-data numprocesses = 1 autostart = true [env:rfid] PATH = /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/venv/bin/:$PATH TERM=rxvt-256color SHELL=/bin/bash USER=www-data LANG=en_US.UTF-8 HOME= /srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/ PYTHONPATH=/srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages:/srv/www/vhosts/rfid_test_nightowl_foundationu_com/inventory/
Follow the basic setup from Digital Ocean but instead of using “http://unix:” for the proxy pass directive, use<portnumber> as you configured in circus.ini.