---- dataentry projects ---- title : balinsasayao camera traps members_users : dolf, carl.simpao skills_tags : electronics status_stat : idea ---- Pol CariƱo who is part of the Balinsasayao PAMBI is interested in using camera traps to monitor birds and other wildlife in the park. With cheap canon powershot cameras (second hand), a motion sensor and the Canon Hacker's Development Kit, it is possible to make our own camera traps. Others have done this already. See * http://hackcanon.com/ * http://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/hands-on/using-the-canon-hack-development-kit * http://www.triggertrap.com/news/triggertrap-and-chdk-support * https://homepage.univie.ac.at/walter.hoedl/Leeb_etal_Herpetozoa_2013.pdf ===== Steps ===== * Make a budget * Find funding * Find cheap cameras * Design (3D print?) or otherwise improvise a housing * Build and test it.